Spot A Shark AUS

Spot A Shark has the Flukebook logo.

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Hi, @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark !
Thanks for pointing this out to us!
We’re tracking the ticket internally as WB-1759. To be resolved asap.

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@MarkF - there are some issues with the gird admin page as well. I can’t find where to approve images after a grid search (was called grid search results from memory). Has there been an update where our spotashark software/logos were replaced by a generic version? Our logo’s etc have been replaced. Any help would be great as we have some new divers t0 help with the program here and i was about to train them this weekend.

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Hi, @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark !
I’ll try to fix these asap! I do thing that these were replaced during an update; our apologies about that!

Hi, @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark !
WB-1759 as well as a whole bunch of other updates have been deployed to SAS, so you should see the logo again (and you’re right - the appearance of Flukebook stuff seemed to have been the result of the previous update)!
You mentioned logos (plural) etc. in your post: is there other stuff that appears to be missing? Do you happen to remember specifically what? I took a look at a very old archive of spotAshark and didn’t immediately see other stuff missing.

As for approving images after grid search, I’m afraid that this must be done on the encounter page. So, after you find a suitable match from the grid search, you’d visit the original encounter page and assign it to a desired individual ID there. This is, admittedly, a bit clunky, but it’s a really old feature; the newer algorithms have such functionality on their match page.

I hope that this been resolved; please let me know if I can be of any more assistance!

Hi @MarkF - thanks for the updates. The Fukebook name also appears under “Learn More”. Also, the unqiue left and right flanks number on the lower section at the bottom of the front landing page is not correct. Drew originally did some programing to keep the unique and total left and right flank tally seperate. It seems that all the images are pulled together giving a total count. I appreciate your help Mark. Thanks Mark

Thanks so much for the additional info, @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark ! I now see what you’re seeing. Currently working on a fix (just kept it in the same WB-1759 ticket).

Hi, @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark !
Ok, I believe that I have fixed all of the things that you detailed above.
Please let me know whether you find anything else or whether I can mark this as resolved.
Many thanks,

Hi @MarkF - thanks for that. I can see the Left and Right flank numbers are back, but are they taking data from the USA group as there is more than what we ever recorded here? We seem to have all USA data in our approved encounters as well. I assume we do share some of that space but its important to keep our tally seperate. Is this still possible ?

Hi, @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark !
I’ve created a separate ticket for this issue. We’ll be tracking it internally as WB-1768, and I’ll report back soon either 1) whether it’s feasible and 2) when I’ve completed it.

Hi, @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark !
Ok I was able to remove 1657 encounters spanning 1541 individuals and 40 occurrences that were SAS USA specific.

I also changed the code that calculated the number of left- and right-flanked individuals and encounters ever-so-slightly to be more accurate.

These changes have been deployed to SAS AUS (around 18:00 PST on 13 Sept, 2021, for posterity). Hopefully, the left and right flanks now seem more accurate to you?


@MarkF that’s fanatstic Mark. Thank you.


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