Spot a shark Australia - email for encounter is matched to existing shark template

What Wildbook are you working in? Spot a Shark Australia

I was hoping you may help adjust the email template that goes out to people when a shark has been matched to an existing shark in the database to the following.

[Email Subject: Encounter update: a1982c95-824e-4a49-97a9-82ccedd3e65d]

[Email Logo: On this one there are 2 spot a shark logos, one after each other. The first looks stretched and horrid, the second looks perfect! Can we have this type of logo across all the emails that get sent out?]

[Email Content]


Just a quick email to let you know that the Grey Nurse shark encounter that you submitted has now been reviewed by the Spot a Shark team and has been matched to an existing, identified shark in the database. Thank you for helping us track its movements and health over time.


Thanks again for your critical help! If you’re interested in supporting our research to understand and protect animals like yours, please adopt and nickname your animal!

Your sincerely,
The Spot a Shark Team

Hi, @Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark !
Since the migration to sharkbook is underway, this work doesn’t really make a ton of sense to do, given that the email template will have to change after the transition to sharkbook to accommodate more generic shark language.

Some of this will be useful to implement when the time comes to deploy sharkbook, but I’m going to put this on delay until then and gently suggest that some of the more SAS AUS-specific stuff won’t really make sense in the new sharkbook instance.

CC @Sean_Aus_SpotaShark , @tanyastere , @jason just so we’re all in communication about this.

Hi Mark

That makes sense. Will we get a chance to tailor the emails that get sent out for Spot a Shark, or will it be generic across all of SharkBook?


They will be generic across all of SharkBook.


Hi @tanyastere

Is there any way that we can manage the emails ourselves then? I don’t think from a user experience it makes sense that people upload a shark to SpotAShark and then get an email back from SharkBook with a link to Sharkbook. Would be good to understand how to take control?

Happy to discuss options

Hi @Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark ,
That is not something we can support. The email server is done to serve the entire platform. If we need to discuss additional customization, we can have another call.


Hi, @Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark !
May I close this issue?