Start New Project on GiraffeSpotter Pour la zone Girafe au Niger


I tried to contact you several times without follow-up I think this time will be the right one.
I just wanted help with my Giraffe Spotter access. I tried to start a project, but access is denied. Is it possible to obtain authorization to start a project to monitor the last populations of giraffes in Kouré in Niger?

I’m just wondering if my message has been received or maybe I should resubmit it?


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Hi @Farid

Thanks for reaching out! This sounds like a good project for GiraffeSpotter.

Can you tell us your project name and which organization you represent?

Thank you,
Jason Holmberg
Executive Director
Wild Me


Hi @jon

Thank you for your quick reply!
The project will be called Establishment of a local ecological monitoring system for Giraffes in Kouré Niger.
The organization we represent is the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through its RBT-WAP program “Integrated management of the cross-border complex W-Arly-Pendjari”. It operates mainly in the 5 National Parks of the W-Arly-Pendjari Complex, namely the National Parks of Pendjari, W Benin, W Burkina Faso, W Niger and Arly. and their contiguous areas, including the Giraffe area.

Thank you

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