Unable to send to Identification in Flukebook

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
Import Task c5133ff6-345f-42db-95dd-21a416f0269e This bulkreport won’t send to identification. Detection is done.

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report


If you scroll down to the bottom of the bulk import table, you’ll see that there’s a list of images marked as invalid for image analysis (it’s all of the images, btw). The file types are .NEF, which are unsupported in Wildbook. You’ll have to convert them to .jpg or .jpeg with photo editing software, delete this import, and then update your spreadsheet with the updated filenames and then try uploading it again.

For reference, here’s our help page on Wildbook image guidelines: Photography Guidelines - Wild Me Documentation

And here’s the cheat sheet for bulk imports: The Bulk Import Cheat Sheet

Thank you for the answer.

I have deleted that bulk import but now I have the same problem again. I have uploaded 17jpg pictures but it is showing it wants to detect 32 pictures, including some of the NEF I didn’t upload. I am not sure how that happened. Do I delete and start over again?

Import Task 30fa1b46-cf9b-4e3a-9222-28cc74d9653a

Can you email your spreadsheet for the latest import to services@wildme.org so I can research this? Don’t delete the import yet.

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Thanks for sending along your spreadsheets!

For your import link above (filename 04032022) your spreadsheet included 17 images/media assets, but you also included an additional 94 rows of encounter data.

Images aren’t required to document an encounter, so the bulk import table is correct when it shows that there are no images associated with them. You’ll want to delete all of the data for the rows that don’t contain images/media assets from your spreadsheet, delete this import, and try importing the updated spreadsheet again. Alternately, you could manually delete each encounter that doesn’t have an image, but that would take much longer.

Your corrected spreadsheet (03062022) looks good, though!

Thank you for the help!

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