Unable to send to identification

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
I am unable to send the following: Import Task c06e9b31-4c12-41c8-980a-a3fe7bc6bdc0 to identification, it is also sayinf a turnaround time of 238 minutes.

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report


Thanks for letting me know. There’s a bit of a backlog while we re-ran a few large imports yesterday due to a bug that was causing the wrong algorithms to run on a handful of species. That said, it does look like this import is waiting its turn in the queue. You can see a list of ID statuses and what they mean here.

I did notice that you may not have included the Encounter.submitterID field in your spreadsheet because the encounters don’t have a user assigned to them. Encounters without an assigned user means that you won’t be able to confirm matches for encounters in this import. You’ll likely need to delete this import, update your spreadsheet, and import the new spreadsheet.

Thank you for your quick answer.

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Hi, we have deleted it and updated the new spreadsheet but the identification part still seems to not work.

Import Task 1ce2013c-42f1-4ab5-a1c8-91b2c8f34112

Thank you in advance.

This import’s identification status is showing as completed.

Hi, unfortunately i have deleted and readded under the Import Task 3cfe1f91-de67-4e62-bfb9-8b3a0f9888b7
I really dont understand why i dont see completion time. What could be the problem?

It looks like the MiewID results completed, but not the PIEv2 results.

You can either proceed with matching using just the MiewID results, or re-send your import to ID by clicking once on the Send to identification.

Frequently asked questions relating to matching and identification (like wait times and how to tell when matching is done) can be found in our help docs.