Updating IDs before importing new data

What Wildbook are you working in? Flukebook

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

We started using Flukebook to help with the photo-identification of northern bottlenose whales last year. After we finished matching in Flukebook and downloaded the resulting matches/IDs, we then double-checked all matches using a photo viewing software (Lightroom). We ended up making quite a few changes to the IDs, based on re-examination of multiple photographs in greater detail than was possible on Flukebook (e.g., merging IDs that were assumed to be “new” based on the lack of a Flukebook, but that actually existed in the catalogue). Not a big deal, as we’d expect the software or user error in Flukebook to result in some misses.

However, we’ve not got a new batch of photographic data ready to process. Is there a way to update the IDs in Flukebook with our corrected metadata (i.e., fixed IDs) prior to processing the new data? Unfortunately there are too many changes to do this manually without a lot of additional work. We have a list of all unique filenames and correct IDs, if that helps.

Thanks very much in advance for any thoughts on this!

This issue may be similar to Updating metadata from a previous bulk import - uploading a new spreadsheet?.

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @SamWalmsley

The short answer is that there is no way to do bulk corrections in Wildbook. Currently, these changes can only be done manually from the user side.

Let me talk to my teammates and find out how we can help you with these updates.

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That would be great, thanks so much Anastasia!

Hi @Anastasia, just wondering if there was an update on this yet or if we should proceed without corrections for the time being? Thanks again for all of your help!

Hi @SamWalmsley

Thanks for bumping this! Can you send a spreadsheet to services@wildme.org of the old IDs and the new IDs you want them changed to?