UUID instead of ID name (ex. CH00___) being displayed

Hey @ACWadmin1,
I am reviewing the import log for this bulk import (https://africancarnivore.wildbook.org/imports.jsp?taskId=cd4a2a2f-cf69-4c33-8ce0-d744e87579c2) and it seems like these encounters were uploaded with that UUID in the Individual field, which seems odd given the rest of the list either does not include and individual reference or follows the CH00 pattern. Do you have access to the file that was uploaded (ACW_cheetah_raw4_upload_K_Final2_last95images.xlsx)? That seems the quickest way to determine where in the pipeline the breakdown is.


Hi Tanya, I think I still have the upload file; I’ll root around. But wow, would that be my dumbest moment so far this year if I did that…

Hey now, it is equally likely that we have a bizarre conversion error based on a random white space. :laughing:

Possible but unlikely :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve just sent the file to services@ cc’ing you. At least I believe it’s the same file.

Okay, we have come to something of a conclusion.

  1. I need to document what is presented to the user in the bulk import log since I made some assumptions that were incorrect. Your import did exactly what it should, and did not include any individuals, so good to go there.
  2. We do not know what the previous ID name was for this individual. I have a strong suspicion that this got fussed with while we were resolving the issue that came up with IAResults showing UUIDs instead of names.
  3. To ensure we have traceability on this, we’re going to make sure the audit logs reflect name changes. It’s bizarre that they don’t. We’ll be tracking that under WB-1232.