What does "Unable to fetch data 200" mean?

What Wildbook are you working in? Sharkbook

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred? Firefox - trying to review an encounter and it says “Unable to fetch data” - not seen that one before?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing? Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks

It looks like something’s wrong with the spot mapped image because it’s not loading from the encounter at all:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 8.14.50 AM

Can you try removing the broken image and creating a new spot map?

The problem seemed to occur on many many images so I do not think its an isolated event?:

Just as an update - I tried on this encounter to remove the spots, and reset the image, but due to another bug that is not yet resolved, the spots won’t reset and therefore it cannot correct the image.


Thanks for letting me know. I’ll need more time to dig into this.

We suspect there was a WBIA issue on this day while these uploads were taking place. They’re all from the same user uploaded on the same day (Feb 14).

Deleting the broken spot maps and adding new ones seems to resolve the issue of the broken images, but we do run into the issue of only seeing the cached scans from Feb 14 instead of the ones from March 11 on the Encounters we tested with. I’ve added this example to the previous ticket: Spot map results page displays cached spot maps · Issue #394 · WildMeOrg/Wildbook · GitHub

Hi Anastasia
Today I was able to remove the spots of the shark that had the broken image - but, when I add the spots it seems that it just refers back to the previous search results rather than perform a new search. So it appears the issue has been partially resolved (i.e. you can remove spots on sharks) and whilst you can reset the spots, it appears the search does not reset and just refers back to the previous search. Here it is

That tracks with my findings so far. I hope to have an update in the near future.

Hi Anastasia - yesterday, out of nowhere, the same old error has come back when I was doing shark matches on a number of sharks that had been recently uploaded to the database.

It seems to be a bug that comes and goes without reason…

It’s interesting that the error number changed to “Unable to fetch data: 404 - error”. When I click the encounter tab, it also doesn’t load the encounter number in the URL:

This might be a separate bug. Did you also run into this error after saving a spot map and trying to view results?

Clearing up disk space seems to have resolved the 400 and 200 errors because I’m not seeing them in testing anymore.