When a map pin is dropped incorrectly

What Wildbook are you working in? SeadragonSearch

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred? An
example encounter https://wildbook.seadragonsearch.org/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=fede8858-ca79-4e7d-a1a0-5892aa8f6c58

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing? Sometimes pins get dropped in the wrong location, but the text or dropdown describes the correct location. How can I fix/move delete/change the pin location on the map?

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @NeridaWilson

When a user doesn’t include specific lat/long coordinates, Wildbook defaults to 0 for both values, which points to the Gulf of Guinea. When we add location IDs to a Wildbook, you have the option to provide us with coordinates for the location so that the map places the pin correctly when coordinates are not provided by the uploader.

I can add these to the location ID file if you let me know the coordinates for each one.

Hi @Anastasia, sure, it would be great to add the co-ords for the drop down sites. However, I’m still keen to resolve how to fix an incorrectly dropped pin. Or add a pin if it’s been submitted without one. I cant do this, even for ones I have submitted.
And here is the list of co ords. Let me know if you need a particular format - its a mix for us- original and added. Dive site placenames for dropdown menu - Google Sheets

Once I add the coordinates to these location IDs, it should hopefully fix itself! :crossed_fingers:

I’ll let you know when I’ve completed the updates.

OK, I’ve updated all the locations from the spreadsheet you provided. I don’t know how long it takes for the maps to recache, but I checked the link in your first post and re-saved the location ID and didn’t see any changes to the pin yet. I’m going to check in tomorrow to see if it updated.

Thanks @Anastasia, however, I thought this drop down location only applied if a pin/coords hadnt been supplied by user. Hopefully it wont over ride original data? even if its incorrect?

No, it shouldn’t. The location ID coordinates will be the default when the user doesn’t provide their own for the encounter.

Great, thank you. Then we can narrow down which encounters have incorrect pin drops that we need to address…cheers!

Apparently, I overlooked the fact that the public user that submitted your example link may have actually entered 0,0 in the coordinate field instead of leaving it blank. Once I cleared that field, I can see the map correctly focused on Australia instead of the Gulf of Guinea.

hi @Anastasia, these are most if not all of the encounters where I’d like to correct the pin drop, which doesnt currently reflect the selected location. I can move the pin manually but it doesnt save. If there is no selected location, and the submitter did not enter coords, can we delete the pin, or can I re-enter it?
many thanks, Nerida

Hi @Anastasia, none of these are genuinely manually entered coordinates. Its the other way around…they are accidental pin drops. So we need to find a way of resetting them. I dont seem to have the ability to do that- which is weird. This is the whole point of us ‘verifying’ the submitted data… super keen to find a solution!

That’s so weird. I’ll need more time to research this.

actually i spoke too soon!!! I can now delete the coords, but it doesnt then default to the coords associated with the selected location, if that makes sense.

there isnt that many so I could try dropping the pin in the right spot manually…lemme try now

Yep, I cant re-drop the pin but i can manually enter cords for the correct spot. all good! thank you!!!

Ok, if you see any more unusual behavior with this, let me know and I can dig into it more. I suspect it might be due to some changes to Google Maps’ API. The last time they changed things, it caused pins to disappear altogether.

cheers, thanks so much!

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