Whiskerbook cleanup

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred? N/A
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

We need to contact all Whiskerbook users and offer them training, in addition, we need to clean up the Location ID’s used in the system:

  1. Users (237 in total?)
    Need all the registered users on the system, Username, Full Name, email, Organization, Affiliations

  2. Location ID’s
    List of all location ID’s

  3. Image key words (#22)
    List please

  4. Projects (#10)
    Project names xref with User if possible



CC: @ACWadmin1 ; @jason

I’ll need more time to check if any of these are exportable, but as an admin, you should be able to look up all of this info via User Management (users, orgs, affiliations), Report an Encounter (list of location IDs), Encounter search (users, image keywords, project names, and location IDs), and Manage Projects (project names and users).

This part will have to be its own separate post when you’re ready to let us know what the updated list should look like.

Thanks Anastasia

I know I can look this up one at a time, I need it exported so I can do an email blast to all these users.

Similarly, we need to rationalize the list of Location ID’s - please export a list so I can edit and return to you with instructions for mapping of old to new Location ID’s



CC: @ACWadmin1 ; @jason

Hi @PaulK

The info requested above should have been provided privately. Can you confirm and let us know if anything else is required?


Good to go, thanks. Will keep you posted if any follow-up.