ARW - Matching won't proceed

What Wildbook are you working in?
Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
The matching is stucked in “waiting for results” for several minutes now (>15min) (I have less than 200 encounters within the current Project).

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
After uploading a bulk import in a Project I start to match the images, however, the matching won’t proceed. It’s my first time uploading in the wildbook. Did I forgot something?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @ManuelaSch, welcome!

I looked at your bulk import and you’re not seeing match results yet because your encounters haven’t been sent to identification yet, only detection.

Images first go through detection, which finds and annotates the animals in the photos. Then they are sent to identification to find match candidates based on the annotations previously added in detection.

When you upload single encounters through the Report an encounter page, these steps happen automatically. With a bulk import, you have to manually start detection and then start identification when detection is complete.

Scroll down to the bottom of your bulk import table, select the location your salamanders were seen from the location list, then click on the Send to identification button. Wait times for detection will vary depending on several factors including: how many encounters you have uploaded, how large your image files are, how many locations you have selected to match against, and how many other identification jobs are in the queue from other ARW users.

Thank you for your response and help!
unfortunately is the location I need not listed, as I am uploading images from “Nerenbos (Makegemse bossen)” in Belgium. Can I submit this location somehow?

Best wishes,

To request new locations in Wildbook, make a new post on the forum under the Feature Request category.

Keep in mind that for matching, Wildbook searches for candidates that match the species and the exact location. From our Bulk Import Cheat Sheet:

Check that the Location ID format is an exact match with what’s in Wildbook or Codex

So if you’re running matches against the new location, it’s only going to show you match candidates that match the exact location ID entered under the Encounter.locationID field of your spreadsheet and for now, that will likely only include the salamanders you’ve uploaded.

If you’ve only entered coordinates and not a location ID, it will only show you match candidates that match those coordinates.