What Wildbook are you working in? leopard shark
What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred? https://leopardshark.wildbook.org/
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing? link not transferring to wildbook
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing? try link
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report
Would it be possible to link https://leopardshark.wildbook.org/ so that when people put that in, it links to wildbook.ai?
I know that wildbook is the new website but we had a lot of posters and information printed with https://leopardshark.wildbook.org/ so to avoid reprinting everything, this would help and as we progress we can update to wildbook.ai.
Thank you