Identification delay

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Sighting 45b1c65a-d36b-42f7-85d7-3a025cd5d99d • Zebra Codex (

In which Wildbook did the issue occur?

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)
What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)
What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)
What happened?
I uploaded 44 images on 2nd Sept, and none has gone through

What did you expect to happen?
Identification completed

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?

Thanks for letting me know. I’ll need some time to research why identification isn’t completing even when it’s restarted.

We’ve restarted celery and pending ID jobs are picking back up again.

It looks like identification has stalled again. We’re continuing to work on this.

Thanks for your patience. Identification has completed on all of the September 2nd sightings.

Thanks Anastasia,
My collaborator Mwangi Gachagua is going through delays in detection and idenfication as well.

Sighting 0855cea1-418a-42a3-af6e-04c4f3343cc0 • Zebra Codex (

Sighting cc82b26e-c179-419d-975d-f0136e81b225 • Zebra Codex (

This sighting hasn’t gone through ID yet because it still needs annotations assigned.

This looks like it’s stuck in detection. We’re working on this.

A post was split to a new topic: Can’t edit collaboration

This sighting is ready for annotations to be assigned now that detection is complete.

To bring to your attention, I still have images stuck in identification even after annotations. Kindly assist

Hi @MwangiGachagua

Can you share the links to the sightings that are stuck so I can research this further?

Thank you, I have 12 sightings still stuck, however, as the forum can only allow me to share 3 here attached

Sighting 0855cea1-418a-42a3-af6e-04c4f3343cc0 • Zebra Codex (

Sighting d90cc6a0-0d28-41e0-ae14-65b0684f8eae • Zebra Codex (

Sighting 03b76c79-d912-4a47-a548-eba3839e8b25 • Zebra Codex (

Thank you! I realize now that this is a continuation of this topic. I’ll continue researching and follow up in that thread when I have an update.

Thank you Anastasia, looking forward