What Wildbook are you working in?
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
Hi @xie.bing
Remember last week when I mentioned that 3000 encounters in a bulk import were going to take a while to process? Those just finished processing this weekend. The queue should be clear now, but this is the reason why we recommend bulk imports should not include more than 1000 encounters.
Hi @Anastasia ,
Thank you. So I will just wait and see what will happen. I will be back again if they are still not moving forward a couple of days later.
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Hi @Anastasia, It’s been another 2 weeks now. Most of them are still in the state of “unknown time remaining. Queued behind 0 jobs”. Is there something wrong?
Hi @xie.bing
Thanks for letting me know. Two of the three links you shared earlier are pending identification. I attempted to re-run them this morning and they haven’t progressed, even though there are only a few jobs in the queue.
I need more time to research what’s happening here. I’ll follow up as soon as I have an update.
Follow-up question: When you run matches, are you selecting a specific region first (like in the screenshot below)? Or are you running matches against all regions in Codex?
Hi @Anastasia ,
Thank you! I ran all of them by selecting Pilanesberg park 
Ok, great! Thanks for confirming.
We’re researching why the zebra queue is so slow right now. Current jobs are averaging about an hour and a half each with 17 jobs in the queue.
It may not be related to why your import in January isn’t going through identification, but it does mean that we need to address why the current jobs aren’t processing as quickly as usual before we attempt to re-run identification on any of those older jobs.
Thanks for checking in! I re-visited some of the encounters stuck in identification from your account and I manually re-ran identification on them. Match results are now appearing right away!
Hi @Anastasia , thank you. Yes, they are good now. But I have 3000 sightings, most of them are still not showing the result. Should I re run them?
Hi @xie.bing
Yes, you’ll have to re-run any that are missing match results.
Hi @Anastasia ,
Thank you.
After rerunning some sightings, there was the result. Yet most of them are "no match candidate " like this:
This is so abnormal. What can I do to solve it? I am very confused and worried, because it has been stuck for a long time, and my thesis is very time limited.
HI @xie.bing
No match candidate is considered a normal result. Our algorithm didn’t identify any potential matches for that specific individual. While it’s not common, it doesn’t mean something is wrong. 
Hi @Anastasia,
Thanks for your response.
But almost all of them I can see now are without any candidate. I don’t think it is normal…
I ran 1700 pictures when I used zebra wildbook, but I have never met this result. Most of my pictures now are nice and clear. It doesn’t make sense to me that almost all of them are without any candidate.
Can you please list some reasons I got these results? And can you please check again if there is an error? I really need to see some candidates for each annotation.
How many encounters have the “no match candidate” results?
I reran 27 sightings, and got the results immediately. Only one annotation has some candidates. All others are without any.
I haven’t rerun others. They are still “queued behind 0 jobs”. I think it is better to understand what is wrong before I rerun them. But I expect to have most of them without any candidate if I rerun them now.
Thanks for the quick reply!
27 with no match candidates out of the 3000 original uploads is actually pretty good. Like I mentioned before, it’s not a common result, but that’s not necessarily a signal that something’s wrong. If there were hundreds of results with no match candidates, that could potentially be a sign that something’s not working correctly. But considering that it’s such a small number of your overall sightings, I encourage you to continue reviewing your encounters as normal.
Ok l, thanks. I will work out 300 soon and response.
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