No automated submission emails

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? SeadragonSearch

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc) admin

What happened? Members of the public reported not receiving the automated submission emails that they are used to. I did a test and had the same thing.

What did you expect to happen?

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @NeridaWilson

I wasnā€™t able to reproduce this. I submitted a test encounter while signed out of SeadragonSearch and I received my confirmation email afterward:

The only thing I can think of causing the emails not to go out is if someone didnā€™t include their email in the ā€œsubmitterā€ field or mistyped the email address. Let me know if you continue to run into this. If youā€™re able to share a screen recording of the submission process and the missing email from your inbox after, that could help us figure out where to look.

Thanks Anastasia, I think my problem is that at some point I ā€˜unsubscribedā€™ from auto emails haha, and Iā€™ve never been able to get them back. But I think thats why I could ā€˜reproduceā€™ it! I got Chrissy to do additional tests and its all working for her ok. Thank you for checking that out. All good.

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Following up on this. I found that you had unsubscribed to emails back in March. Iā€™ve removed you from the deny list, so you should hopefully start seeing emails again.

Thanks Anastasia!! Lets see how the volume is again!

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Hi @Anastasia, just letting you know that I now get the update emails but not the submission confirmation emails. Iā€™m fine with this, but wanted to give you that feedback. Also, a participant has asked that she have her email updates restored too (somehow they stopped- she didnt reject them she reckons).
thanks, Nerida

Myra was also shown as unsubscribed in December. Iā€™ve removed her from the denylist. If her Hotmail allows hers to configure a list of approved senders, have her add to it.

Iā€™ll need more time to look into why youā€™re not receiving updates for new encounters.

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hi @Anastasia, I have another member who has inadvertently become unsubscibed from
Can you please add that one back for all automated submission updates etc?
thank you!

All done! Can you let them to know to add to their list of approved senders to make sure Hotmail doesnā€™t treat future messages as spam? Thanks!

Thanks so much! Will do!

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Hi @Anastasia, thereā€™s another here, who say they get submission emails but not updates once its processed (like new or matched).
This guy is one of our biggest contributers! thank you!

I donā€™t see anything out of the ordinary with his emails in our dashboard. It looks like the last series of encounter updates or individual updates we sent them was May 6th and 8th. I do see that everything since then has been new submission confirmations.

Last 30 days:
304 Delivered
304 Sent
100.0% Deliverability

Hi @Anastasia, therein lies the problem. There are actually 79 encounters he has submitted (and I have processed) since 9 Mayā€¦

Hi again @Anastasia, looks like there is something much bigger at play. More citizens say they no longer receive ā€˜processedā€™ updates. one more example email here, she should have received a few on 22 May but didnt.

Thanks for the additional info. Iā€™m traveling today and may not get to dive into this too deeply until next week. Thanks for bearing with us.

Hi @NeridaWilson

Weā€™re testing email notifications based on encounter activity, so you may see a few emails coming your way. Weā€™ll delete these tests shortly.

Hi @NeridaWilson

Sorry about the spam emails but we had to test a few combinations of submission data. :sweat_smile: Weā€™ve cleaned up all the test data for this from Seadragon Search.

All of our tests (including one where a user with only the all-readonly role, listed as the photographer and submitter, with encounter assigned an ID by a separate admin account) triggered all the appropriate emails being sent (submission, new ID assigned, individual resighted).

Does your prolific user (ATJ) mind being the subject of the next round of testing? Weā€™ll need to use his email address in the test submissions to see which emails go through when weā€™re actively creating events that trigger email notifications. I donā€™t want to spam him without warning.

thanks @Anastasia, sounds like a good plan. let me just ask him first!

yep @Anastasia, andrew is on board, do what you gotta do!

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