No automated submission emails

ATJ confirmed. Submission emails yes…ID assignment emails, no. Back to the drawing board…can you see anything weird in mail chimp?

I see one encounter update for ATJ this morning. If you want to get on another call later while you process some submissions over a screenshare, I can take a look and see where the discrepancy might be happening. We were only working with test encounters last time, but maybe something will reveal itself with actual encounters. My calendar is open today.

Hiya, do you have some time on Thursday to try to chat again? Unfortunately I processed ATJ’s encounters before I saw this, but there may be some more by then too. I also have some additional questions/screen shares about what I need to add to safe senders list.

No problem. You can use the same Calendly link I sent you to put time on my calendar.

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Thanks for meeting with me again this week! We’ve determined that managing the Identity field through the encounter page notifies the submitter, but managing the identity from the match page does not. I’ve added this info to the ticket where you can track its progress: Public encounter submissions do not email users with identification updates · Issue #640 · WildMeOrg/Wildbook · GitHub

Hi @Anastasia, unfortunately ATJ has just reported that his encounter submissions have not been triggering any automated responses… and worse, that the work around for whatever is mucking up the checkbox identification matches (ie using the identity box to match to a previous individual manually) has stopped working yesterday ish. no triggering of update emails…ugh.

Let’s address the two issues separately.

  • Missing encounter emails
    My dashboard says they’re getting sent, but are getting bounced by his email provider.

Let him to know to add emails from to his safe senders list and to check his spam or trash folder as well.

Do you mean that you can’t assign an ID from the encounter page anymore or that doing this step doesn’t sent notification email anymore? I just submitted a test encounter and received an email for both the submission and the encounter update when an ID was assigned.

It appears that I can assign an ID but that ATJ doesnt get the notification email. Could be same issue that he’s having for submission emails…?

Yes, all emails from SeadragonSearch to his email address are getting bounced. The notifications are working, but his inbox is treating them as spam.

Thank you, I have let him know!