In which Wildbook did the issue occur?
What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)
Windows 11
What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)
Chrome 16.0.6478.63
What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)
What happened?
Media Asset names have underscores in the file name. When I loaded a bulk import spreadsheet, the underscores in the media asset column are reading into the system and therefor not matching the media assets that are uploaded
What did you expect to happen?
I expected the media asset column to match the file names of the images that I uploaded
What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?
Attempt a bulk upload with the bulk import sheet that I will send you
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report
This is a known issue. Bulk import considers underscores special characters. From our Bulk Import Cheat Sheet:
No special characters in your image file names or spreadsheet name. If it’s not a letter of the English alphabet, 0-9, space, or period, it’s a special character and may not play nice when uploaded.