It appears now I am back to this issue of having an encounter that has several different individuals, and these individuals have all been annotated and named under the same individual ID. I need to split the encounter up into different individuals. Is this a matter of deleting the annotation and then adding a new annotation, or should I delete these images from the encounter and re-upload them?
From just looking at it briefly it appears to be one snow leopard appearing and reappearing in front of the camera. However, looking at the tail we can see it is three different individuals. Perhaps a mother and juveniles, and since snow leopard cubs can be two-three years old and still with mom they are often large.
I’m not sure what the easiest solution is. Since you sent me the 44 encounters with identity conflicts, I’m not sure if it would be easier for me to sort through the raw data and create new occurrence folders for these cases where there are multiple individuals in the same occurrence/encounter. Then you could push the individual IDs to a new set of more thoroughly sorted occurrences. Otherwise, I’m not sure how to create a new encounter and move photos to it (within the same occurrence). I know it’s possible to have multiple individuals in the same occurrence although I’m not sure how to manage the system well enough and cannot seem to find the keys.
I had originally batch subset the data by hourly intervals, so there are several cases where there are multiple individuals/cubs in the same occurrence/encounter.
Hi @evebohnett ,
I moved this to a new topic because, while related to the old topic, it is a separate issue and this makes it easier to track the problems we have already resolved.
I will get this in front of someone for advice shortly.
I also have several links that have multiple annotations and some of the annotations are wrong and need to be corrected. Here’s the entire list of all of the problems I’m having if you needed to see a few examples. It think going through one or two of these links you will see pretty quickly where there are errors.
Hi again, Eve!
Looking at some of your “multiple individuals in a single encounter” links, you could mean that one or both of two things are going on:
You have several different images (a.k.a. media assets) associated with a single encounter. Some of these media assets only contain one animal with a bounding box in green drawn around it, denoting an annotation. Scrolling through the media assets, maybe you’re noticing that the bounding boxes in green are featuring different animals. If this is the case, I think what I would recommend would be removing the images not belonging to the focal animal of the encounter (hamburger menu → remove this image), and then uploading that image as part of a separate encounter (navbar → Submit → Report an encounter). See Encounter | Wild Me Docs for more details
Maybe instead you mean that multiple animals are being shown with bounding boxes drawn around them, one in green and maybe one or more in gold/yellow. In this case, the green bounding box is showing the animal (or animal part, in some wildbooks) of the focal encounter. You can click to see the other animal (or part) - which has a different encounter it is associated with generated automatically! - by hovering over the yellow/gold bounding box and clicking the arrow that pops up. When you’re in that new encounter page, you can associate it with a (brand new or already-existing) marked individual as Jason Holmberg indicated here: New Individual in an Encounter/New Encounter - #4 by jason.
If you haven’t had a chance to peruse the Wild Me Docs yet, I’d definitely recommend it. I use it as a reference myself all of the time!
Incidentally, if you notice anything in that documentation that is not crystal clear, we would love to hear about it!I hope that this answers your question, but if i doesn’t, please don’t hesitate to seek further clarification!
Great. Thanks so much Mark for answering my question. I do have one question that may work in the system. The occurrences that I have flagged as having multiple individuals are all annotated with the same green boxes as you mentioned above. There are seven of these occurrences. I’m curious if I delete the entire occurrence and then upload a new spreadsheet that breaks these up into 19 occurrences… would that also work? I know you mentioned deleting out the photos and creating new encounters, which I can do but it’s a bit more time consuming than uploading the new excel spreadsheet. I would also lose the ID info, but I can manage to fix that for these manually.
Hey Eve,
I think what you’re proposing would work, as long as you’re uploading them as separate Encounters, not Occurrences/Sightings. I believe that’s what you’re suggesting since you referenced bulk importing in that way, I just want to make sure since the terminology can get confusing.
Great that worked, I created several rows with the same Occurrence.occurrenceID which are now separate encounters. That way everything is separated but still retained the hourly occurrenceID Then I uploaded the photos again with the new spreadsheet. Everything uploaded just fine and I can edit the new encounters. However, I tried to delete out the old encounters and I could not find a way to do that, so I simply renamed them Deleted1…etc. I’m wondering if there is a way to delete an encounter? I managed to remove them from the Occurrence while renaming them. I found this doc in the documents for fully deleting. I think I need to read through the documents more to figure out how to use the API. Right now I don’t know how. Maybe after I’m done sorting and processing the data then I’ll take some time to figure this out. It’s not a huge issue.
You can delete an encounter from the Encounter page. Simply scroll down to the Metadata section and click Edit. You’ll see a Delete Encounter button at the bottom. Click the button and the confirmation and you should be able to delete the encounters.